I try to tinker with Blender whenever I have time. For those who don't know, Blender is a free 3D software package. It also runs on my mac, which is great. I There is a lot of good resources online for learning, but I've found blenderguru.com to be very useful. You can find many great tutorials on his website. The one I used for this image, you can find here. If you want to try to make your own beer, all the resources you need for this are free!
I think I ended up with a pretty looking render, but my beer had no brand. I am not sure if Tony Yates has a brand or not, but he sure knows how to brew some great tasting beer. Unfortunately, I live far, far away from Tony. But in a parallel universe, I am frequent guest in his awesome microbrewery, sipping some damn tasty beers.